- I am so grateful for your kindness and consideration. It was awfully nice of you! You really went the extra mile!

Thank you,
Meryle Pokines
- Thank you again, for driving my class to Washington , D.C. This month. We had a wonderful time and I really appreciated the carefree travel and your efforts to make the trip so seamless despite the distance. Please enjoy the enclosed gift certificate. I look forward to our next trip and we will be in touch!

Most sincerely,
Jennifer Welles - Social Studies Teacher
- Thanks so much for the wonderful job you both did safely driving the parents and students to Niagara Falls. My boss, Al, the parents and the kids all commented positively on your professionalism and the smoothness of the schedule. I know it was a very long days work away from home, and I appreciate your hard work and ready smiles! I hope you will consider driving the "Guilderland" kids again next year when we have a new crop of Earth Science 8th graders.

Thanks again,
Kim Drake
- It is with great deal of pleasure that I am writing to you to comment out escort Ellen and driver Joe on the Lancaster tour from 8/15-8/17. It was a superb tour but the highlight was the trip home. There was an hour delay at the border and it was handled so professional by both Joe and Ellen. I can not praise them enough for the way they handled the situation. Because of them I will be back!

Mary D. Moore
- Thanks so much for driving the for the Niagara Falls 2005 trip for Farnsworth. We appreciate your patience with all our bus "messes," and Noise. The organization of the lunches on the first and last days was great, we loved being able to eat as much as we wanted! We hope you consider driving for us again next year. You were professional, and proficient in getting around the Falls area. Thanks again for the great job you always do driving and interacting with kids and parents alike. We could not have had such a great time without anyone else behind the wheel!

Alton U. Farnsworth - Middle School
- Referring to Mohegan Sun Casino Day Trip Tuesday, November 28th. Driver Joe Antignani received a walk-in complement this morning, which the passenger wished would be passed on (I assured him I would do that for him). Phillip ( the impressed customer and passenger) expressed how impressed he was with Joes handling of the motor-coach, shifting with such smoothness, checking his coaches equipment and showing great professionalism. Philip felt he was an exceptional driver, even noting his personality. With warmest thanks for your thoughtfulness. As always you really helped to make our trip memorable. Thank you so much! We pray for your continued success.

Gage and Anne
- Thank you for another wonderful trip! Please find a photo attached. Also, one of the students started a facebook group called "Joe Bus" and is encouraging those who have traveled on your D.C. Trips to share their thoughts. You made quite an impression on the kids. When we got home, the "hat-girls" told their mom that the bus driver was just like Pop-Pop. Apparently, you remind them of their grandfather. Isn't that sweet? They were going on and on about you! Here they tour D.C. And all they can talk about is you!

Thanks again!
Colleen and John